True, in the Garden of Eden God warned that death would be the result of sin: “In the day thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die”. The guilt that would result from eating of the forbidden tree would kill. “Sin pays its wages-death” . Yes, man knew he was mortal; he must die someday. But wait-here is a way to reach a kind of immortality-he can produce children “in his own image”! HE will live on in his children! And, of course, sex is the way to go about having children.
So sex becomes a substitute for God.
Some Christian Africans tell how man has sensed this connection between sex and imaginary immortality. Discussing the “meaning of marriage in African societies,” they say:
“The supreme purpose of marriage according to African peoples is to bear children, to build a family, to extend life, and to hand down the living torch of human existence…….. Through marriage and child-bearing, the parents are remembered by their children when they die….Marriage is intimately linked up with the religious beliefs about the continuation of life beyond death” Other thoughts believe that:
Marriage is also regarded as the counter-measure against the lost immortality which is talked about in so many traditional myths. Through marriage the departed are in effect “reborn” not in their total being, but by having some of their physical features and characteristics or personality traits reborn in the children of the family. If no children were born these traits and features of the departed members of the family would bot be seen again. This is a keen insight and is true in all human society. If no children were to be born, think of the great wailing and despair there would be all over the world! Mankind would keenly realize the truth that “sin pays its wage-death.” The world would feel its lostness from God, the source of life. But sex and procreation make man feel like he doesn’t need God after all, for he has found a kind of immortality. Cock Ring help men create a harder and firmer erections that will last longer during the sex.
But desire to live without God always brings deep guilt for it is contrary to truth. This is the very root of sin itself-doing away with God. And guilt brings shame. This is why sexual intercourse has always been associated with shame. It is not “natural” for any self-respecting humans to perform the act in public (though it happens, but only in pornographic situations). But considering the pornographic condition, it is planned and paid with great pretense of confidence from the doers. But it is very rare to see couples having sex in the public just like that for free and fun-its totally embarrassing and shameful. This sense of shame is very deep because our sinful pride of independence from God is also very deep. Penis pumps are the best toy for men to erect the penis quickly.
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